This tutorial will teach you how you can quickly and effectively modify an image where too much makeup’s were applied making the skin look fake. Makeup always not the case,
the picture can be a magazine scan creating excessive noise on the picture. You can also do this to an old photographs that was scanned. Basically to any picture that has excessive amount of noise.
Using this quick dirty secret, you can make your models look glamour’s in no time! For this tutorial purpose, we will use this photograph of Indian celebrity, Riya Sen, that I found on the net. You can
save this picture and open with photoshop to follow through the tutorial.
Step 1: I’ll assume you already have selected your models picture, using the above picture or the picture you would like to enhance. Now, look over at your layers menu, right click over your image layer and select “Duplicate Layer”.
It should look something like this:
It should look something like this:
Step 2: Make sure your new duplicated layer is selected on the layers menu then from the top menu, go to FILTER -> NOISE -> REDUCE NOISE.
Step 3: You’ll get a popup dialogue box with many options and sample of your picture on the left. The menu on the right would look like the screen below. Strength is how powerful the noise reduction will be, I have set this to maximum.
In your case, it may not be necessary so make sure you slide it left and right until the preview looks like the kind of skin you want for your picture.
I set the ‘Preserve Details’ to 1% as at this point I do not care how much details are being shown, my only concern is that I want the skin to look really good and smooth. Set the other two option to zero as we do not need them.
Once the REDUCE NOISE filter is applied on the top duplicated layer, your picture would look something like this..
Notice that noise is removed from all part of the image including the lips, eyes and hair.. thus making the picture look as if it has been photoshoped.
In your case, it may not be necessary so make sure you slide it left and right until the preview looks like the kind of skin you want for your picture.
I set the ‘Preserve Details’ to 1% as at this point I do not care how much details are being shown, my only concern is that I want the skin to look really good and smooth. Set the other two option to zero as we do not need them.
Once the REDUCE NOISE filter is applied on the top duplicated layer, your picture would look something like this..
Notice that noise is removed from all part of the image including the lips, eyes and hair.. thus making the picture look as if it has been photoshoped.
Step 4: Remember, you have our original picture intact on the bottom of this layer. At this point our goal is to bring the original eyes, hair and lips back as if they
were vivid and not blurry photoshoped version. From the Navigator menu, select the Eraser tool.
were vivid and not blurry photoshoped version. From the Navigator menu, select the Eraser tool.
Step 5: Now, right click anywhere in the picture and you will get this popup menu.
You’ll see many different brush size, the first half set of brushes are regular brushes which we will not use. The second half set of brushes are smooth edge like spray painting like brushes. For my image
I’ve selected Soft Mechanical 9 Pixel size. You can see it more clearly in the above dialogue box. The purpose here is to carefully erase the eyeballs, eyebrows, lips and hair. As you erase them
in this layer, you’ll notice the original version is coming out replacing the newer one. This way it looks more authentic and real. Go ahead and carefully finish up erasing only inside of the eyes and other
element you would like to keep as authentic. If the model have any jewelry, it is strongly suggested you erase them as well as any other details you want to preserve from the original keeping the skin intact.
Once you are finished, it should look something like this:
You’ll see many different brush size, the first half set of brushes are regular brushes which we will not use. The second half set of brushes are smooth edge like spray painting like brushes. For my image
I’ve selected Soft Mechanical 9 Pixel size. You can see it more clearly in the above dialogue box. The purpose here is to carefully erase the eyeballs, eyebrows, lips and hair. As you erase them
in this layer, you’ll notice the original version is coming out replacing the newer one. This way it looks more authentic and real. Go ahead and carefully finish up erasing only inside of the eyes and other
element you would like to keep as authentic. If the model have any jewelry, it is strongly suggested you erase them as well as any other details you want to preserve from the original keeping the skin intact.
Once you are finished, it should look something like this:
Change Lipstick Colour In a Photo
Step 1: First thing you want to do is create a new empty layer from the layers menu.
Stpe 2: Now, from the Navigator menu, select the Brush tool.
Step 3: Now, right click anywhere in the picture and you will get this popup menu.
You’ll see many different brush size, the first half set of brushes are regular brushes which we will not use. The second half set of brushes are smooth edge like spray painting like brushes. For my image
I’ve selected Soft Mechanical 18 Pixel size.
You’ll see many different brush size, the first half set of brushes are regular brushes which we will not use. The second half set of brushes are smooth edge like spray painting like brushes. For my image
I’ve selected Soft Mechanical 18 Pixel size.
Step 4: From the Tools menu, set the foreground color to the color of the lipstick that you would like to apply on the model. I selected a shade of red.
Step 5: Now you are ready to apply the lipstick, using the mouse tooltip, paint over the lips. Do not worry if it is not perfectly done. After all, you do not have to be a makeup artist
to create perfect lipstick… hence we have photoshop! Once you are done, it should look somthing like this:
to create perfect lipstick… hence we have photoshop! Once you are done, it should look somthing like this:
Step 6: Now from the layers menu, change the blending mode for the layer. If you click on the drop down menu for the blending mode, you’ll see lots of option, I advise you
go through all of them and find the one that suits the best blending for your color. In my case, I found ‘Darken’ to give me exactly the shade I wanted.
go through all of them and find the one that suits the best blending for your color. In my case, I found ‘Darken’ to give me exactly the shade I wanted.
Step 7: Set the opacity to about 50% that way when you are erasing the excess lipstick from the outside of lips are or even teeth, you can see half way trhough the layer so you know what
to keep and what to erase.
to keep and what to erase.
Step 8: Select eraser tool from the Tools menu.
Right click on somewhere in the picture and you should get a popup dialgoue that looks like the one below.
Scroll down half way through the list and find the Soft Mechanical brush (see step 3 for more details). I selected the Soft Mechanical 9 Pixel size brush tip.
Right click on somewhere in the picture and you should get a popup dialgoue that looks like the one below.
Scroll down half way through the list and find the Soft Mechanical brush (see step 3 for more details). I selected the Soft Mechanical 9 Pixel size brush tip.
Step 9: Now using your mouse tooltip, go ahead and erase carefuly the edge of the lips where excessive lipstick are applied. As the layer opacity is set to 50% (see step 7), you should be
able to see the real lips below visible slightly and that will give you the hint as to how your lipstick should look on this layer. Once you delete the areas around the lips and the teeth (if they are showing)..
then play around the Opacity of the layer and set your desire number (see step 7.) This completes this tutorial, here is how mine came out:
able to see the real lips below visible slightly and that will give you the hint as to how your lipstick should look on this layer. Once you delete the areas around the lips and the teeth (if they are showing)..
then play around the Opacity of the layer and set your desire number (see step 7.) This completes this tutorial, here is how mine came out:
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